Friday, August 20, 2010

My entry into the life of dating a prostitute

Normal day.  Normal life.  I was leaving a certain establishment and on my way to my car.  It's something most of us do on a daily basis.  You think nothing of it.  As I walked toward my car, I noticed a younger woman who was frustrated her car would not start.   As I approached my immediate thought was "this car is a piece of shit".  It was old.  It was rusted.  It was clearly the vehicle of someone that did not have much money & was just hanging on in life.  

As I walked by I could see the frustration this person was having and I asked them if they needed a hand.  She sputtered out the words "it just won't start".

I will predicate this by saying I know jack shit about cars.  I'm not Mr Auto.  I was more likely to take Home Ec in school than Auto shop.  But, as a man, when you see a woman having car problems you always step up to help even if you can't help.  

I asked her if I could try to start the car.  She agreed and I slide behind the seat and went to turn it over.  It made a clicking sound which meant the battery was dead.  I looked at her and said knowingly "I think your battery is dead".  She gave me a look like she had no idea WTF I was talking about LOL.  I said hold on, I can give you a boost.  

I walked over and got my car and drove it over to her car.  I pulled out the booster cables and hooked things up then started her car.  Her car sputtered to's engine starting to roar and I removed the booster cables.  As a man, that's a warm good feeling but in reality I had no clue what I did.  It's just one of those things you do as a man. 

As her car sat there running, I said to her it was best if she let it run a few minutes to charge up the battery and to not turn it off until she got home.  I said you'll at least make it home and be parked and if it won't start tomorrow you'll probably need a new battery.   Mr Auto..or so I pretended.   She just smiled and looked at my car and asked what model it was.  My car is not macho or masculine, I bought it for it's fuel mileage, not for it's girl attraction features or so I thought.

We stood around talking for a bit about life while her battery charged.  Not wanting to see like some crazy creepy guy, I excused myself and said I needed to get home.  She smiled and said OK, see you again calling me by my first name.  

And little did I realize but so began my life dating a prostitute.....

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